BuzzAudio - REQ Choke Shielding Upgrade
2011-12-01 REQ Choke Shielding Upgrade. December 2011Some users of the REQ-2.2 have reported problems with the pick up of hum and buzz from adjacent equipment. In response to this we have finally managed to re-design the chokes used in the REQ so that local mu-metal sheilding can be fitted. (Previously this would have meant very expensive tooling to produce custom mu-metal cans). These shields, along with the existing steel shields on the circuit boards greatly improve the REQ resistance to outside magnetic fields.
Unfortunately, existing units cannot easily be upgraded in the field, but we are offering owners a service whereby you can remove and return your band cards to us for refurbishment. (This keeps freight costs down by not having to return the whole unit). We will refurbish, test and return the cards for a modest fee to cover parts cost.
Note that only the Low Band, Low and High Mid Band cards need modifying as the High Band card is fairly immune to problems. Before sending any cards, please contact us to arrange your upgrade so we can keep the down time to a minimum for you. REQ-2.2 units with serial Q1058 and higher have the mu-metal shields fitted at the factory.
Contact Us about obtaining the Choke Shielding Upgrade